well sorry for not blogging for almost a week. i had IBA and i have to say it was really fun. here's what i did!
MONDAYCatering! i had to scoop food and listen to dietitcians. especially this one bitchy one but oh well. she was quite nice haha.
TUESDAYPhysiotherapy! went to see the different aspects of it with speech, occupational, the gym, and the sports medicine centre. we were released early!!!! and the new TV came!!! a projector with a 110 inch screen. sweet. who wants to come to my place now haha.
WEDNESDAYthe lab! we saw a kidney and testicle dissection. OUCH. yao yu couldn't take it haha. we also helped out at the pneumatic tube system and transfered messages.
THURSDAYradiology and bio-medical engineering! we saw all sorts of MRI and CT scams at radiology. very enlightening. bio-medical engineering was just fixing broken medical machines haha. we went to the ICU, the psycho ward, the isolation ward and the mortuary!
FRIDAYpharmacy! lots of cuts packing medicine haha. joel and isaac came over to play xbox too!
ok now for the tags!
cliff: nope i can't i'm going running sorry.
jo: i'm not an anime person. you know that.
chris: yeah man have fun! was that san fran thing intentional???
GK: lol
liz: it's an anime film. i'm not gay and i don't have to prove it to anyone.
fran: yeah i e-mailed you about some stuff. have fun in Boston with enlin!
well that's that. time to SLACK!!!