Saturday, December 30, 2006
well i did quite a lot of stuff over the past week. on the 26th jed came over to play xbox and then the wongs and jie and i went to SICC to bowl. unfortunately, juniors can't introduce guests, which is actually a very stupid rule but nvm we played pool instead. i then went to session at Pines and then chris and his bro slept over. scout camp ensued on the next day with many futile attempts at pioneering so we did stock taking instead. same thing happened the next day. then yesterday jed, ted and ben came over tpo play xbox. the best part of the day had to be cycling with david and clifford. we met at tanglin mall for dinner and then cycled to serene, which was too crowded so we cycled down orcha4rd road to wheelock place and had supper there.
pictures with the godsiblings! wesley and i
goofy pic. man i look horrendous.
the wongs! (L-R): wesley, rebecca and rachel
group picture at the SICC bowling alley 
Nat moonwalked away at ;
12:29 PM;
Monday, December 25, 2006
merry christmas! ah i've decided not to put the pictures up till late december or january. i don't feeeeeeeel like it. anyway yeah i've got lots of stuff lined up. holiday homework is one. my godbro is coming over tonight, and i'm sessioning tmr with cliff and chris, who are then staying over. i'm skipping prefect camp to go for scout camp haha. quite satisfied and it's good that bongard is so understanding. either that or he just wanted to get rid of me cos he was busy. anyhow, it worked out. i've finished reading cell, and the ending was crap. stupid cliffhanger. then i've finished reading my Star Wars: Path of Destruction. it talks about the rise of the Sith and Darth Bane. it was AWESOME. the best christmas present i've ever had since the Power Ranger Megazoid i got when i was 5 haha. not that i like it now. anyway yeah it's not even out in singapore yet cos we got it from the US.
christmas is too commercialized. it's not even the birthdate of Jesus. IMO, the birth of Jesus is not as significant as his death, cos it was his death that redeemed us from sin, and not his birth. sorta like the chicken and the egg but nevermind. anyway studies show that the constellation that guided the 3 wise men appears in mid september. also, the inns were full cos of a jewish festival on the 11th of september, that's why Jesus was born in a manger. that's most likely why the terrorists struck on 9/11, cos it was Jesus' birthday. just a bit of info to signify the occasion. haha anyway enjoy what's left of your christmas!
Nat moonwalked away at ;
5:31 PM;
Friday, December 22, 2006
well i'm airport now in the first class lounge. not that i'm going first class. we got upgraded...for the lounge. haha. anyway i got some really really cool shirts from this shop called Hot Topic in LA. we stayed at beverly hills and we saw all the rich ppl's houses, like Shaq has a basketball court in his room! talk about oppulence. we also went to Universal Studios. that was heaps if fun. we met a few singaporeans there, like katrina and her family and some other ppl. we ate at a chinese restaurant, my first taste of chinese food in 9 days and it's heavenly. man i can't do without chinese food. if i live here i'll go mad. hamburgers and beef for 9 days straight can drive you crazy! i saw a pretty good popper too. quite skilled. i got me a starwars poster too haha. denver city was quite fun too, albeit the cold. went up to the mountains and stuff. there's a huge blizzard here too so that sucks. oh man i've got so much to talk about but i don't want to bore you guys to sleep. my godbro from NZ is coming over to our house on the 25th, so that's cool. i still have heaps of HW to do and lots of prep for my hike that hasn't been completed yet. man this holiday is like a dream, cos it's almost over. yeah the one thing i miss is all my friends and bboying and chatting with them. expect pictures!
Nat moonwalked away at ;
3:49 AM;
Saturday, December 16, 2006
well i'm halfway through my holiday now. i had so much fun skiing and now my shins hurt haha. short post cos i have to leave for denver city soon. i'm in vail now, which is a ski place. i met a few new ppl on the slopes but didn't get their e-mails. haha i have many pics and have been waking up at 6AM to watch spongebob and the fairly oddparents.i'll be in denver city for the next 3 days and LA for the other 3 days. oh well. alrighty then. expect a pictorial update! see you on the 23rd!!
Nat moonwalked away at ;
6:54 AM;
Saturday, December 09, 2006
well i'm blogging at the airport now. my house just lost it's internet, so i can't put up he pics. i'll be in the US till the 23rd so yeah. i may be posting there if there's free internet at the hotel or something, otherwise no. keep on tagging yeah? till the 23rd then. bye!!
PS i hope they have Casino Royale on the plane
Nat moonwalked away at ;
4:37 PM;
Friday, December 08, 2006
well after 28.55km, 10 descriptions and 4 hours of sleep at a pavillion in East Coast Park i am back! i have to say attending this hike was an extremely enriching experience. there wasn't much to write for descriptions but clifford lek cher kan made me crap my way through one side of foolscap talking about a benchmark. well it drizzled on the first day and we hiked about 18 km that day, so we were quite shacked. had about 4 hours of sleep, which is pretty decent, and we set off again today. i'll put the pics up tmr cos cliff is not replying me now. i got my iPod! 30GB. haha for those who know me, i need my music. hillsong and the hush sound. breakbeats and blink 182. 20 hours on the plane tmr doesn't seem so long now eh? haha yeah i'm off to the USA tmr. it'll be really fun. we're going to denver, colorado for 4 days, skiing in Veil and Aspen for 5 days and we'll be in LA for 2 full days. it'll be quite fun, as i predict. the only sad thing is that my older sis is not coming with me. oh poo. ah well. i guess she's happier elsewhere. that's one nestling that is about to leave the nest. till tmr then!
Nat moonwalked away at ;
9:39 PM;
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
hello there. well the past few days (and by that i mean yesterday and today) have been fairly inconsequential. i got my haircut yesterday (another bad one), and then i met cliff and luke at great world to watch deck the halls. haha it was an average movie. quite ok. we then went to shaw to get our uniforms and then i headed home to watch TV. i cycled to the apple shop at cineleisure today to try and get my iPod exchanged but the warranty is up and it's damaged beyond repair, so i'll be getting the new (or not so new) 30GB model tonight. hopefully haha. well i'll be going on a hike tmr with cliff and won't be back till friday, and then i'll be off to Denver the next day and won't be back till the 23rd.
jasper wang (and many other ppl i'm sure) have already started studying! it's really really intimidating to know that ppl are already putting in so much effort. i remember last year melvin showed me his life sciences notes that he compiled and i was like 'crap. i haven't even started'. in the end i did better than him haha. anyway it's just that some ppl really study so hard at the start and everything but in the end ppl who don't study as hard still end up doing better. for example, sean lee studied considerably hard for this year's EOYs while cliff, dwayne and i will still sessioning like the week before the exams. and yet we still did better. i'm not saying that i didn't study cos i did. and i studied quite hard. but not as long or aas hard as others. then in the weeks preceding the exam when ppl ask me whether i've studied and i say no then they'll say 'yeah right. he probably says no and is actually studying so much at home'. that really really irks me cos i genuinely don't study till the last minute if not i'll forget. then there are also ppl like joash wong who hardly even study and he stills does so well. and he's reading manga before the tests while we're revising. MANGA!!!! naturally smart ppl like boobs and joash wong huai en can afford to that. anyway just FYI i haven't started studying yet and i don't plan to. cos by starting to study now it'll only be jumping on the bandwagon cos other ppl are. for me, i work better under pressure cos the days before my exam i'll actually be cramming for say bio. and cramming actually works for me cos i still remember a lot. lol but i can't cram next year though. i'll probably start 3 months before the exam instead of 3 days, like i did for bio, geog and social studies. or some like physics and chem which i just practiced the night before. and i did well in those as compared to bio and stuff. weird huh? aptitude i guess. hm. this rant isn't really coherent huh? there's no main point of focus for the paragraph. well, that's my rant. till friday (or saturday)!! bye!
Nat moonwalked away at ;
5:37 PM;
Monday, December 04, 2006
well today was fun. ok let me start with Sunday, the 3rd of December. went to church and then to ngee ann city for lunch at sushi tei with my family. i finally have found my green Converse high tops! after my intensive and wide-spread search for that elusive pair of shoes, i finally found it outside the hello shop at orchard! yes and at $30. quite a steal. anyway robin and anthony came over that night to play xbox, and i managed to cure anthony's fear of dogs haha. at least i think i did. anyway went to school to get some stuff for cliff's CCA hike, and then sessioned for awhile with vince and cliff, after which they came to my house to play xbox. vince owned us today so cliff and i were forced to double-team him for the last match haha. quite fun. i'm gonna watch happy feet tmr. night!
Nat moonwalked away at ;
9:22 PM;
Saturday, December 02, 2006
well i had neil, isaac and ben over on friday for another sleepover haha. this one was a serious halo fest. say about 5 hours worth of halo 2? we played team slayer isaac and i got owned by neil and ben like 50-23. lol i'm a solo operator when it comes to vid games. there's no way i can cooperate. anyway we played many FFA matches after that and stuff. neil and isaac fell asleep at midnight but ben and i stayed up talking for like 2 hours till 2am then i fell asleep. i woke up at 8.30 and played halo 2 against isaac, and then the other 2 joined us. all in all about 9 hours worth of halo 2! funfunfun.
i was watching MTV's Sweet Sixteen show and all i can say is that all the teenagers there are spoilt rotten. really. cars as presents?? kanye west performing AT their birthdays?? i was like wha???? and yet they still throw tantrums if they can't make a grand entrance. if that happened in an asian family, i bet the stupid little brat would just get one tight slap. haha it was quite funny to see them get upset over the smallest things though. oh well. i'd better start my holiday homework soon. i'm off to denver in a week and won't be able to get much done. well that's it. night!
Nat moonwalked away at ;
10:23 PM;