postponed the hike to thursday and friday. well here's a quiz i took off mandy's xanga.
type the first thing that comes to your mind when you see the following
1. Cigarettes: destroy your lungs
2. Sex: is sacred and should be done after marraige
3. Relationships: are nice
4. Your Last Ex: haha never had one
5. Power Rangers: i used to love them. i remember my dad got me the megazoid for christmas and i was really happy haha
6. Crack: i have lots of my walls
7. Food: love it
8. The Prime Minister: is a nice guy
9. War: sucks.
10. Cars: convenient
11. Petrol Prices: way too high
12. Halloween: is a great way to bond with your friends
14. Religion: is what i live for
15. MySpace: is not your space
16. Worst Fear: losing a loved one
17. Marriage: yeah eventually
18. Paris Hilton: is a slutty dumb blonde
19. Brunettes: veronica lodge
20. Redhead: archie andrews
21. Politics: are backstabbing
22. Pass the Time: doing this quiz haha
23. One Night Stands: yeah i had one in my room before. i just removed it cos it was too old and it broke. geddit? haha it's immoral
24. Mobile Phones: radiation
25. Pet Peeves: russie likes bonnie, bonnie likes russie, but neither of them like inu.
26. Pixie Trix: too many colours and flavours at once
27. Vanilla Ice Cream: is not as ice as chocolate
28. Porta-Potties: smell very very bad
29. High School: musical is one of the worst shows i've ever watched
30. Pajamas: comfortable?
31. Wood: floats
32. Wet Socks: are terrible and smell really bad
33. Alcohol: is bad for me and i don't like it.
34. The word HATE: is very strong and therefore doesn't exist in my vocabulary
35. Your best friends: are very weird but hey they're my best friends
36. Money: i could do with some of that
37. Heartache: comes from eating too much fatty food.
38. Love: is quite a nice feeling
39. Time: is something i wish i could command
40. Divorce: don't get married then
haha yeah hols are here so have fun!